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{{castDate(item.NDate.split(' ')[0])}}
{{ resources.Get("latestEventsMenu") }}
{{ item[resources.Get("Title")] }}
{{ castDate(item.EndDateTimeCalc.split(' ')[0])}}
{{ item[resources.Get("locationColumn")] }}
{{ getDay(item.StartDateTimeCalc.split(' ')[0])}} {{ getDayNu(item.StartDateTimeCalc.split(' ')[0])}}
{{ getMonth(item.StartDateTimeCalc.split(' ')[0])}}

About Esharah

​Esharah Etisalat Security Solutions offers government, semi-government and private organizations the ability to adapt and address all their telecommunication requirements. Through industry standard services, cost effective solutions and with the trust of several prominent names in the industry, Esharah has built a name for itself in the market as leading providers of turnkey telecommunication services.​​​​
