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About Nedaa

To be the first reference in the provision of a specialized communications service

Know more about Nedaa

​Nedaa - Professional Communication Corporation is a young institution, but nevertheless, it made significant progress in terms of achievements, expansion and number of customers. The high quality level of services provided by Nedaa has been highly admired by most of its important customers which led in turn to further enhanced relationships. This distinguishes Needa and makes it a unique pioneer in the communications market.

Nedaa would not have achieved all this without the continuous support the political leadership provides to this vital sector. The corporation employs high UAE National caliber across technical, administrative and commercial areas with strong support and encouragement from the political leadership.

This page will provide you with a brief overview about the corporation services, establishment and development in addition to the professional and management values governing Nedaa's work. We hope this introduction encourages you to find more about Nedaa either on this page or on its portal and web pages on social media sites.


Leading in providing secure communications for sustainable connectivity.


​​We are committed to providing smart communications to enhance security and safety.

Organization Values

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Nedaa Origins and History

It is our pleasure to put in your hands these pages where we highlight the Nedaa that was born of the biography of Success and excellence in Dubai Needless to say, over the past few decades, the Principality has achieved an integrated development achievement in accordance with a carefully considered strategy developed and overseen by Wise leadership, and this achievement has had to be completed by the creation and operation of a sophisticated communications infrastructure that is efficient, effective and reliable.

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Executive Director

Mansoor Juma Bu Osaiba

It is with great pleasure that we present you with this page portraying Nedaa, a corporation derived from Dubai’s success and excellence. Dubai has definitely achieved cohesive development in the past few decades in line with the modern accurate strategy of the wise political leadership. Nedaa operates an advanced telecommunication infrastructure that is efficient, reliable and most importantly up to date with the latest technologies.

Nedaa - Professional communication corporation was established to work closely with other telecommunications providers. Nedaa however is characterized by its wide range of services in professional telecommunication in addition to other services offered to Government, semi-government and private institutions including a variety of telecommunication applications with unique advantages.

Since its inception in 2008, Nedaa has adopted the best managerial and operational practices in order to achieve highest standards in the world of communications. Nedaa is proud of its human resources caliber including the finest UAE national expertise. Nedaa formed qualified working groups to accomplish the tasks in hand in an optimum Maner. The technical team possesses the know-how, professional and scientific capabilities that enable them to follow-up and develop services in the finest way. The technical team is supported by a management team keen to adopt the best management practices and render them to real work at reach of each and every customer.

Nedaa is proud of its great achievements. This becomes evident from the increase in the number of customers despite the company’s young age. Customers represent the goal and remain key to the corporation establishment. We extend our respect and appreciation to you, and promise to always provide you with the best, in line with strategic plans taking into account the technical and administrative aspects of products and services. We look forward to your satisfaction.​

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Strategy7;#Secure, Sustainable Communication Network1/1/20261
Strategy8;#Happiness Customers1/1/20261
Strategy9;#Effective Organizational Capabilities1/1/20261
Strategy10;#Outstanding organizational performance 1/1/20261
Strategy11;#Corporate Governance1/1/20261
Strategy7;#Secure, Sustainable Communication Network1/1/20262
Strategy9;#Effective Organizational Capabilities1/1/20262
Strategy10;#Outstanding organizational performance 1/1/20262
Strategy11;#Corporate Governance1/1/20262
Strategy7;#Secure, Sustainable Communication Network1/1/20263
Strategy9;#Effective Organizational Capabilities1/1/20263
Strategy10;#Outstanding organizational performance 1/1/20263
Strategy7;#Secure, Sustainable Communication Network1/1/20264
Strategy9;#Effective Organizational Capabilities1/1/20264