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Nada is keen to develop its institutional environment to meet its ambitions

​​​Training and Occupational Development Policy

Through its Training and Occupational Development Policy, Professional Communication Corporation – Nedaa seeks to provide all its employees with development opportunities to achieve practical and positive results in its corporate performance, building a productive work force that actively contributes towards the achievement of the establishment’s aspirations and expectations. This policy applies to administrative, financial, technical, specialized and supervision functions of all classes and grades with full time positions in Nedaa. It aims to enhance the level of Nedaa employees to enable them to reach higher levels of performance; drive them to develop their personal and professional capabilities; encourage them to continue learning; and prepare and qualify employees to enable them to achieve the vision and goals outlined in the Dubai Strategic Plan.  

The Training and Occupational Development Policy includes responsibilities assigned to Human Resource, managers, supervisors and employees. Pursuant to this Policy, Human Resource will contribute to creating training and occupational development programs; conduct annual analysis to determine training needs; and execute internal training courses or specialized qualification programs; in addition to assessing and measuring return on investment on such programs. Managers will discuss training plans with employees and what can be implemented, in order to encourage employees to train. Employees will also be periodically assessed for their performance, and specific goals will be set for their training and development. Managing and monitoring operations will include all employees; who must commit to the implementation of training and development plans, apply gained knowledge and abilities and share them with colleagues; while supervisors work directly to determine needs and the best suitable methods for training.

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